Avril Lavigne
Avril Lavigne 女,生于1984年9月27日,加拿大
艾薇儿 (Avril Lavigne) 从小就喜欢唱歌、表演,最喜欢以吉他来创作音乐,后被Arista唱片公司发掘,从此踏上歌手之路。与玉女偶像造型不同,爱玩滑板的艾薇儿强调做率性的自己,总喜欢穿背心垮裤系黑色领带出席音乐会。艾薇儿 (Avril Lavigne) 初试啼声的《Let go》可以说是一炮而红,以十足的摇滚味道作为目标的处女作无论是品质还是销售量都叫好又叫座。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 未出道前:
艾薇儿 (Avril) 是一个滑板庞克 (skater-punk) 女孩、一个狂野不羁、爆发力十足的灵魂。她是那种大约两岁左右,就能够以声音引起人们激赏的小孩。艾薇儿 (Avril) 是那种没办法乖乖坐在课堂上,但是却充满了自信和决心,一个人跑到纽约和洛杉矶去磨练创作技巧的小镇女孩。艾薇儿 (Avril) 是那种完全靠著自己的力量,为了梦想不计代价、思想前卫的少女。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 身为排行中间的老二,却老是想成为注意力焦点的小孩,她注定要离开加拿大安大略省那个人口只有五千人的小镇Napanee。艾薇儿 (Avril) 说:“我记得很小的时候,我站在床上,就像它是舞台一样,我扯著喉咙大声地唱,想像有好几千个人围绕著我。”从卧室开始,不论何时何地,艾薇儿 (Avril) 都可以唱,像是在教堂里唱圣歌,或是参加音乐节,然后在展览会和歌唱比赛上表演乡村音乐,直到她被Arista唱片所发崛。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 如何被发掘:
在送出去给各唱片公司她唱歌表演的录影带之后,艾薇儿 (Avril) 得到一个小唱片公司希望签下试唱歌手的合约,这是艾薇儿 (Avril) 期待已久的离开小镇的好机会,“后来他们也要我帮忙写歌这点很吸引我,於是我搬到纽约,因为我要和他们共同创作一段时间。”这个发展听起来很简单,不过命运的发展却让艾薇儿 (Avril) 从此改变。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 崭新的开始:
让"LA"瑞德和所有员工感到兴奋的是,艾薇儿 (Avril) 生气蓬勃的鲜明个性和纯真的魅力,以及嗓音融合娜塔莉和莉莎洛普的甜美清亮、及艾拉妮丝莫莉赛特和蔻特妮勒芙的狂放不羁。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 16岁时,搬到曼哈顿著手进行她的首张专辑。尽管在纽约创作期间,艾薇儿 (Avril) 实际上是住在录音室里,但是她的努力一开始并没有获得回报。所以艾薇儿 (Avril) 飞到西岸,洛杉矶给了她所需要的崭新开始。在那儿艾薇儿 (Avril) 遇到了制作人Clif Magness。“耶!我找到我要的人了!”艾薇儿 (Avril) 燃起热情。在Magness以及后来加入的制作小组 The Matrix 的掌舵下,艾薇儿 (Avril) 一手包办专辑的所有词曲开始陆续出炉。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 的首张专辑:
在艾薇儿 (Avril) 的首张专辑《Let Go》当中,她的唱腔炫耀似的活力四射,她的嗓音一如水晶般清澈,而她的歌词更是流露出纯粹的女性风格。吉他奔驰的首支单曲"Complicated",是首正中爱情骗子要害的简洁歌曲。这首歌也让艾薇儿 (Avril) 赢得不少奖项。如今专辑完工,艾薇儿 (Avril) 等不及要将她的心血公诸於世。
艾薇儿 (Avril) 开玩笑说,和那些摇滚小子们所组成的庞克乐团四处巡回演出,与她的童年也没什麼两样:“我一直都是个男人婆,我想我现在还是。我秋冬的时候打曲棍球,夏天的时候打棒球。我喜欢和男生一起玩。”
但是艾薇儿 (Avril) 的音乐却足以同时感动女孩与男孩,以及一些富於冒险精神的成人,而艾薇儿 (Avril) 也正尽力地朝此方向努力。“我等不及要出场了。我想要摇撼这个世界!我要人们知道我的音乐是真实而且诚恳的,是发自内心的。我只是想忠於自己。”
Background of Chinese Democracy
Prior to the song being released as a single, "Chinese Democracy" had been played live by Guns N' Roses on their Chinese Democracy Tour in 2001, 2002, 2006 and 2007.
Axl Rose introduced the band's first live performance of the song in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 1, 2001 with the following:
“ The movie Kundun was on [television] about the Dalai Lama. I was getting ready to leave...and it was the end of the movie. And the Dalai Lama is about to cross over the border, to you know, be in exile for the rest of his life from his own country. And he looks back at the men who helped him, and you know he's escaped the Chinese government. And he looks back at them and he waves and they wave at him. And then they show a scene where he looks back at them again and he sees every one of them dead. Because he knew they would be killed, and they knew that in helping him they would be killed. And you know the emotion in this next song, that's all that's about. It's not like an intelligent song. It doesn't have the answer to anything. And it's not necessarily pro or con about China. It's just that right now China symbolizes one of the strongest, yet most oppressive countries and governments in the world. And we [Americans] are fortunate to live in a free country. And so in thinking about that it just kinda upset me, and we wrote this little song called "Chinese Democracy." ”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Axl Rose introduced the band's first live performance of the song in Las Vegas, Nevada on January 1, 2001 with the following:
“ The movie Kundun was on [television] about the Dalai Lama. I was getting ready to leave...and it was the end of the movie. And the Dalai Lama is about to cross over the border, to you know, be in exile for the rest of his life from his own country. And he looks back at the men who helped him, and you know he's escaped the Chinese government. And he looks back at them and he waves and they wave at him. And then they show a scene where he looks back at them again and he sees every one of them dead. Because he knew they would be killed, and they knew that in helping him they would be killed. And you know the emotion in this next song, that's all that's about. It's not like an intelligent song. It doesn't have the answer to anything. And it's not necessarily pro or con about China. It's just that right now China symbolizes one of the strongest, yet most oppressive countries and governments in the world. And we [Americans] are fortunate to live in a free country. And so in thinking about that it just kinda upset me, and we wrote this little song called "Chinese Democracy." ”
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
反美乐队 Green Day
很早以前就听过他们的歌,不过当时没有关注过。自从GNR推出了Chinese Democracy,对比一下大家都意识到了这两个截然不同的乐队,一个是反华,一个是反美。
因为Green Day的专辑《American Idiot》作为第一首单曲,快速的朋克旋律和结实的鼓点中就已经随着Billie Joe的喊声得出了专辑主旨“The subliminal mind fuck America”。
Billie Joe Armstrong (vocals, guitar)
Mike Dirnt (bass guitar, vocals)
Tré Cool (drums, percussion)
现在的朋克摇滚乐队的数量要远远超过重金属乐队,这应该是一种趋势,摇滚变得柔和话,即便是GNR好像也有这种趋势,也可能是Axl Rose老了的原因,没有从前的活力了。
了解这个乐队的最好方法还是去听他的音乐,Green Day的歌好多都没听过的该去有针对性的补课了。
因为Green Day的专辑《American Idiot》作为第一首单曲,快速的朋克旋律和结实的鼓点中就已经随着Billie Joe的喊声得出了专辑主旨“The subliminal mind fuck America”。
Billie Joe Armstrong (vocals, guitar)
Mike Dirnt (bass guitar, vocals)
Tré Cool (drums, percussion)
现在的朋克摇滚乐队的数量要远远超过重金属乐队,这应该是一种趋势,摇滚变得柔和话,即便是GNR好像也有这种趋势,也可能是Axl Rose老了的原因,没有从前的活力了。
了解这个乐队的最好方法还是去听他的音乐,Green Day的歌好多都没听过的该去有针对性的补课了。
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